Illinois 1752 Club
The primary objective of the Illinois 1752 Club is education; not only for our members, but also for the independent insurance agents that we serve. 1752 Club members are continuously sharing information and educating club members at regular monthly meetings and special seminars to keep abreast of the changing industry.
Legislative updates, association updates, technology, and trends in the industry are just a few of the topics that are reviewed at these meetings. The Club promotes education for independent agencies and their employees through various clinics and spring seminars as well as on a one-to-one basis.
Proceeds from the clinics are used to fund scholarships to insurance schools. Scholarship recipients are selected from agencies that our members represent.
Did you know...
The 1752 Club derives its name from the year 1752 when Ben Franklin formed "The Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses From Loss By Fire", the first mutual insurance company.
1752 became the name of the organization formed over 50 years ago by special agents and field sales people from mutual insurance companies. The fundamental purpose was then and continues to remain education.
Philadelphia Contributionship remains in business today.